Brand Strategy
Campaign platform development:
- An infrastructure master plan
- Sound budgeting
- Strong public safety
- Increased code enforcement of commercial and residential properties
- Affordable residential development
- Revitalization of Colfax
- Address increased homelessness
Brand identity development:
- Positioning statement
- Promise statement or personal manifesto
- Campaign slogan
- Logo development
Development of integrated digital presence:
- Website, video content planning and production, email marketing platform i.e. Campaign Monitor, Mail Chimp, etc., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube.
Digital Marketing
- Search
- Google Analytics Set up
- Google Adwords
Social Marketing
- Hootsuite set up for campaign automation
- Develop strategic social AD plan (3 months in advance, at least)
- Pre-roll youtube 10 second videos
Print Media
Yard signs, door hangers, direct mailers, posters, signs and stickers